Vortex Lakes
Continental Spiral
The Great Lakes, a spiral water in and of themselves, is a gesture of creation in a greater spiral of a continental body. Turtle Island, as the locals called it, sits atop a circular tectonic plate—the only one on Earth.
An EarthRing the size of Earth's Core and Mars its great vortex is suggested in the gesture of Central America, the tail of La Tortue. An arc whose radius is centered in Shelburne Falls Massachusetts this greater turtle shell is half land and half water vortexing like Yin and Yang dolphins round the bubbling waters of Gitchigumi.
Brimming with life the Lakes' pentagonal geometry (illustrated on this site) has the phi proportion throughout. This God number found in human proportion is, like the Lakes, in Creator's image and likeness. The great spiral shown here is the curving expression of this 1:1.618... ratio. Witnessing the hand gesture of God in the land and waters of North America engenders a sense of the sacred.
More a brush stroke than geophysical this great spiral is a space relationship between the tail and heart of the tortoise. Feeling this great gesture as creative warmth in the heart imparts a spirit and motion to continent and lakes as a dynamo of balance for planet Earth. A breath of Creator that permeates land and water, your witness of this spiral enlivens with conscious awareness.