5th Earth Chakra

Great Lakes Planetary Throat Chakra

A healing water, the Lakes as planetary throat chakra are reminiscent of a swollen goitered Thyroid gland. Traditional cultures acknowledged a goitered throat as a sign of a healer blessed by God. The German healer Bruno Groning was so blessed whose goiter would expand when healing groups of thousands in post WWII Germany.

"Made in the image and likeness of God", like humans and all creation, the Earth, like humans, has a chakra system with energy centers. Spherical the Earth's chakra system, like other planets, has a solar plexus 19.5ºN parallel expressed, by example, in the rings of sun spots on the Sun.

Earth's heart charka, where waters converge, is along the 30ºN latitude where the Nile, Mississippi, Colorado, and Tigris-Euphrates rivers delta.

The 40 degree north latitudes of the Great Lakes express as planet throat (5th) chakra. The voice of civilization is heard on this goldilocks zone of our goldilocks planet. Along the 44ºN latitude White Buffalo Woman brought culture to Lakota's Bears Lodge (devils tower). The 44th of Lake Ontario saw the birth of the Iroquois Peacemaker at the Bay of Quint. 

42º N home to Detroit, Boston, Rome, Istanbul, Beijing, the Great Wall, Kyoto and east west mountain ranges reinforcing these latitudes as a voice of the world. Transmitting the spirit of the world the Lady of Light has shown herself along the 40s at Lourdes, Fatima, and Medjugorie.

These spirits and ancestors avail themselves to the healing powers of God in our planets engorged goiter.

Think, Feel, Will— Pure Spirt Waters