Meridian Wheel

Michigan's Grand Meridian Wheel center is marked by the X of Grand River Road and the Michigan Meridian. First marked in defiance of English, French, and Indians at Fort Defiance, Ohio. This meridian's length to Soo Locks is the common radius of Chicago and Deluth and Niagra, the arc of the Great Lake earth ring. The Meridian&Grand Wheel, where Meridian Road X Grand River Road, at the midpoint in state/ territory between Saugatuck River west and Saint Clair River east, whose fourth reference point is north to White Star and Meridian Roadside Park. The nearby East Gate, Meridian-Red Cedar River Park on Meridian Road has a group of stones at its center a ring of walkway, and trees expressing a circle at the Center. the Meridian was a treaty line that was drawn to divide Indian and Colonial people. What divides can unite? The Meridian Wheels spins unity from diversity in a sacred relationship of confluence with: lakes, rivers, history, and governance. Imagining a turn of the Park wheel turns the Defience wheel which in turn spins the Soo Lock wheel of the Great Lakes, torques the Elementals in the arc of the Mississippi Drainage, that turn a continent in imagined environmental vitality..  Come sit and spin a spell.