Hand of Grace
Hands of the Healer
Ask anyone where they live outside of Detroit in the lower peninsula of Michigan and their immediate response is to raise their right hand as a map of the Michigan mitten and point to their home’s locaton. Dividing this “mitten” the Michigan Meridian at 84º21’53” longitude draws a line through center like the first letter, alief, of the Arabic alphabet—the mark of God’s singularity.
Since the good ole days as cave dwellers, Man has marked their sacred grotto with ochre hand prints. The Hamsa, ‘the hand of God”, “the hand of Fatima” protects Jewish and Muslim households from evil. Greeks and Romans, “the hand of Venus”. Christians, “the hand of Mary”. The hand upheld in benediction bestows blessing on the faithful. In Hindu and Buddhist traditions hand ‘mudra’ connects with the higher self.
Symbolic of the hand of God at work in the world, when that hand appears upon the land as it does over Michigan marks the lakes as a protected, blessed and sacred precinct. Through its recognition and acknowledgement its reality become so in human consciousness. Like the pent-waters the five fingers of the hand are in the ratio of the ‘god number’ phi (1:1.618...)with its five fingers tapping out the five elements of creative forces attributed divine, a new spirit is brought to the waters.
Seen in dynamic accord the left hand of the Father pressing into Pure Spirit Waters meets the right hand of the Son pushing upward illuminating world Spirit. Father-God be in Us, Son-God create is us, Spirit-God enlighten us. It is only through Divine intercession and the efforts of its creative: Elementals, Angels, Ancestors, and prayer intentions of Humanity, that the temple of Earth is restored.
Think, Feel, Will—Pure Spirit Waters