the abundance thing
Gratitude's the attitude
Dear, ___________
Gratefully, this body of work, offered in service to the world, was made possible by the generosity of others who recognized its value; providing the place and means to develop this gift to humanity and its world. A big ho'ponopono to those living and dead benefactors.
Compelled to purse this line of inquire for most of my of 70 years has not made for a treasury, as there is nothing here to sell as product or service to individuals, corporation, or nation. Contrary to contemporary ego centered worldview—PURE SPIRIT WATERS offers one of inter-relationship beyond borders, walls, and navel.
I've been blessed with "in the nick of time" Grace that has always provided for minimal needs. Insert happy face. While SSI retirement funds and EBT affords a sense of public support for my mission, they don't provide for necessary travel, transportation, updated computer and software licensing, and writing space to compile a compendium of my work for posterity—before my mind fades. Thank you for your generosity to all those in need. Support my soul-group's critical mission.
Cultivating Pure Spirit Water and encouraging its thought, sense, and deed in our imaginations would be benefited by a marketing strategy. Billboards are expensing, as are those with the tools, time, and talent to produce video content, and, and, and.
If this initiative sings to you please support financially and through your networks. For now, this is a personal call for abundant support from Source and its agency. If embraced by the greater public a 501(c)(3) would be incorporated to support this collaborative initiative.
gratitude's the attitude from this latitude. peter
Contact: | 802-585-6021 | Lansing, Michigan