Think Feel Will



1 pure gold: unadulterated, uncontaminated, unmixed, undiluted, unalloyed, unblended; sterling, solid, refined, one hundred percent; clarified, clear, filtered; flawless, perfect, genuine, real. ANTONYMS adulterated.

2 the air is so pure: clean, clear, fresh, sparkling, unpolluted, uncontaminated, untainted; wholesome, natural, healthy; sanitary, uninfected, disinfected, germ-free, sterile, sterilized, aseptic. ANTONYMS dirty, polluted.

3 pure in body and mind: virtuous, moral, ethical, good, righteous, saintly, honorable, reputable, wholesome, clean, honest, upright, upstanding, exemplary, irreproachable; chaste, virginal, maidenly; decent, worthy, noble, blameless, guiltless, spotless, unsullied, uncorrupted, undefiled; informal squeaky clean. ANTONYMS immoral.

4 pure math: theoretical, abstract, conceptual, academic, hypothetical, speculative, conjectural. ANTONYMS practical.

5 three hours of pure magic: sheer, utter, absolute, out-and-out, complete, total, perfect, unmitigated.

In the form of a pentagon the Great Lakes express as one of water's sacred geometry. This Earth surface plate is one of 12 sides of a dodecahedron, scaled in spiritual dimensions, penetrates earth's mantle to its interior 4 oceans worth of 'primary' water. A purest of water these interior oceans are connected through this plutonic solid of spirit as a witness to pure water memory returning polluted Great Lakes and watery biosphere to their original structured state of Pure Spirit Water.

Offered as copyright free meme this postcard can be reproduced and distributed to the awakening consciousness community as an earth healing visualization tool. 

It is a given that these waters are beyond the repair or interests of the materialist culture who caused their environmental collapse. Water's only hope are spiritual in nature whose elemental forces in total are called upon for their miraculous healing through the focused intent of human thought and abiding spirit in collaboration with the spiritual realms in total.

Think, Feel, Will—Pure Spirit Waters