Spirit in Matter

Rings of gravity

Ensouled human continuing spiritual development depends on its symbiotic relationship with our host biology, Earth. Learning to fly this biological ship requires pilot consciousness in harmony with and connected to Earth-Cell's membrane consciousness. Through PURE SPIRIT WATERS an interface with its biology can occur via this earth-cell IMPs.  Signaling cosmic and deep terrestrial information are flight requirements only received and transmitted via a collaboration with the full knowledge navigation of spiritual worlds. 

Its is the mission of this project to establish a homospiritus interface with space ship Earth through it's Great Lakes EarthRing control panel.  

Radiant patterns of 'EarthRings' are found planet wide and in: ancient temple, Gamma Ray bursts, star and solar system clusters, the human eye, DNA and Earth's interior sphere. These rings, of gravity coalescence in vortex, project its geometry and divine pulse into the bubbling membrane of  Pure Spirit Waters.

EarthRings are yet another manifestation of sacred geometry in nature as these rings fill the negative space of 4 polygons drawn from enneagram(9), a number associated with completion. 

Within its second interior ring, 200 to 600 deep, lie four oceans of primary water captured in the solar system's third nebula reformation. In the Great Flood of legend they were of source of the "fountains of the deep" that brought purity to world waters.

Connecting surface, interior and celestial waters for earth-cell homeostasis is signaled with EarthRings (IMPs) and is critical for continued human habitation. The spiritual language of this connection, expressed universally is sacred geometry. 

A language spoken by the phi of these pent-waters is voiced through foundational inner and outer space biology via spirit's elemental dodecagon. All that is required is a critical mass of awake humanity to think, feel, and will  Great Spirit's love as a fountain of Pure Water— Spirit will do the rest.

Think, Feel, Will—Pure Spirit Waters