
The Word on: Peter William christopher Ghani Champoux

The EarthRing world view expressed in Pure Spirit Waters is the brain-child of Peter Champoux.  A man from Massachusetts (now living in Lansing, Michigan) he has taken simple observations made while turning rock to stone into an organic earth grid.  Inspiration as a young man to create temple space was bumped up in scale to lay foundation stones of Earth as temple.  These rudiments of a new earth spiritual science he feels will lead to a future where human culture nests symbiotically in the living earth.

To a materialist, academy, church, or by pedigree he is a nobody and perhaps the reason he was set with this task.  As the mind needs a label he would be best described as a spiritual geographer.

Following promptings from prayers and meditation, and his name translated as ‘rock of the field’, Peter has studied the cultural use of stone, and their uses on the leys line and sacred sites of North America for a life time.  Developing repeatable methods, undeniable patterns of ever greater interrelated geographic patterns emerged—with the Great Lakes a shining example.

An earth energy vortex of scale, whose local dynamic forms are dowsed under ancient cathedral and other holy sites, he has found EarthRings to be a tool for world maintenance.  Applying his theories to successfully break the drought and fill reservoirs of the America West, he collaborates with the Earth’s  Elemental spirits and consciousness communities to restore the Colorado and Mississippi River watersheds.  He hopes to soon use his EarthRing methods to mitigate the Ukrainian/ Russian conflict before its to late.

Remaining hidden from the public eye and free of the hubris of fame he was freed to develop this gift for the future.  An author of books and articles, he has an easily accessed presence on the internet.  His recently published article in the Wound Knee issue of New Observations Magazine was the culmination of years of work on the Black Hills EarthRing, to return Ndn ethos to earth-cell membrane consciousness. 

Raised with a transcendent Christian world view of the Earth being of the devil he seeks to change that, along with its assumed right of limitless exploitation, though a willed sense of Earth in total as sacred.  Free willed return to God as in, “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”, frees wills from the struggles of dominance of human fallen angels.

Following the beat of a different drum he is not by any means a one man band.  Dependent on the full knowledge of communities of light and spirit, connected with the living Earth through EarthRing portals, he sets intentions “for the highest good” with the clarity of awakened soul spirits. Go Team!!